Hacked please read and pass on !!! surfmonkee

Update from Surfmonkee

Firstly I would like to apologize for the problems the site has experienced over the last month. I have been working hard non-stop to resolve many problems caused by the attack we had suffered at the end of October.

A handful of people had taken it upon themselves to hand out their own justice to Surfmunkee, by disrupting everybody's experience of our program. A Denial of service attack was continued over a 3 week period, culiminating in a successful hacking of the database, which resulted in a corrupted field of the withdrawal table. As I had been working on the withdrawal and compound system prior to the attack, it seems more than a coincidence that this part of the database should be targeted. Unfortunately In order to block these people I couldn't let all of the members know the full story and I'm sorry for the lack of communication during this time, it was necessary to block and locate certain people to minimize the damage. I also had to remove many parts of the most common used scripts, but these will be re-instated (i.e. member count, daily withdrawal on home page/withdrawal and compound page, these were also causing a serious drain on the database at that time)

The final(?) part of their attempted sabotage was a virus attack, which resulted in many members receiving notifications regarding their accounts, with attachments. We cleaned the virus within minutes but it seems the result is still occurring as many other systems become infected. We will only send you emails from marcus@surfmunkee.com or (-f)webmaster@surfmunkee.com. We will not send any unannounced attachments, so please be on your guard. I have lost many e-mails again and also understand from members who communicate with me other than email, that some of you will not have received emails from me.

I am not sure whether the situation is resolved and we are being left alone or they are just taking a break. This now gives me the opportunity to resume the withdrawal and compound makeover. There are glitches in the system still that we will be working on, but payouts are continuing everyday and have been during this time, with the delay in re-instating E-gold, we are limited further as to which methods we use, again I apologize for this and the delay you may experience. E-gold will be back soon.

I am still more than confident that Surfmunkee will continue and catch up with the backlog, otherwise the last few weeks would certainly have been the last nail in the coffin. Personal circumstances have also taken their toll on my family recently and I can assure everyone these will not affect the re-building of Surfmunkee.

As many of you know, Surfmunkee utilizes only a very small percentage of it's revenue for income generation, prefering to offer larger returns to it's members, we do not make funds available to have a permanent staff or offices around the world, our membership level and turnover is not big enough or fast enough to warrant such an expenditure at this time, it is thanks to the volunteers that we continue to operate and no thanks to the people who cause disruption and mayhem for the rest of us.

Thanks again for your patience and understanding through this time.

Marcus & the team.
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