4daily.com is on the Bad IP list

4daily.com is on the Bad IP list. (Has been for a while.)

The site's showing up again in the surfing rotations with an "Under New Management" banner.

Personally, I don't trust it. It moved from one questionable IP address to another.

This URL has a new IP address ( This is one of 8 consecutive addresses owned by someone in Australia. The other 7 addresses do not currently run a webserver. The previous address (.15) is British, the next address (.24) is Russian.

The 209.59.x.x class C network (first 2 digits match) hosts a number of sites on the Not Paying list.

Finally, the 205.59.x.x sites that are not paying are hosted by ISPs subleasing lines from LiquidWeb, which owns all of the address in the range ->

Walk carefully folks. I'm not gonna play there.
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