Private Investor's Union

Registrar: ENOM, INC.
Whois Server:
Referral URL:
Status: ACTIVE
Updated Date: 19-nov-2005
Creation Date: 20-jan-2005
Expiration Date: 20-jan-2011

Hello, Please, introduce yourself.

My name is Micheline Stauffer, co-founder of

What's your position in the program?

1 of the 3 founders of PIU Group

How many people are involved in running the program and what are their names?

There are 3 founders and 3 persons that work for us,

The 3 workers are:
1) Marcelle Bonett
2) Michiel di Vries
3) Elle Sanders

The 3 founders are:
1) Micheline Stauffer
2) Remco D.Bokx
3) Lynnette Hannon

Could you tell us a little bit about your staff and their background?

The workers are the ones in charge of running the high load of the program, which means support, marketing, and programming. We as founders are the ones in charge of decision making, money management, risk management, due diligence over new opportunities and funding.

We the founders have been working together for about 3 years in other investment areas before the opening of


When did the program launch, and were you available offline in the past?

The online program was launched in February 2005, but we have been working offline since 2003, we have a very specific list of selected offline clients that indeed know us personally and know personal contact information, but they do invest big amounts (over 100k).

Why did you decide to open Online Investment Program?

There were 2 main reasons for opening an online investment program:

1) The opportunity to raise more principal for future investment expansion

2) The will to help other investors achieve financial freedom, after one really sad episode with one of our offline investors, we decided that if we indeed could mix up with the rest in the HYI arena we will be helping others by investing with us even when they dont do DD on us, our main motivation to keep running PIU is to help others in some way.

What do you think sets your program apart from all the other "opportunities" out there?

There are several reasons:

1) The safety of your money and your peace of mind is our #1 priority. We hold a unique place among investments in that from day one that you place funds with us, we have set aside cash to offset your risk. Not only that, we add more cash on your behalf each month until your principal is fully insured within a few months through the combination of either what you have withdrawn and/or what we have in reserves for you. Our goal is twofold: (1) we want to make sure you never lose a cent of money with us, and that you are quickly working solely on profits earned from our program; (2) we want to stay in business a long time, and we think that developing a high degree of trust and security is the best way to do it. Each quarter, we will turn over bank and bookkeeping records for reserve funds audits by names you know and trust in the HYI arena. These people are totally independent and unconnected to the management or ownership of PIU, nor are they beholding to us in any way. Their honesty and reputations stand behind the audits. Do you know of any other program that offers you this level of openness, commitment and concern? We don't.

2) We work with real investments, for which we have extremely high standards of caution and safety before we choose one to invest in. For example, we do not invest in any opportunity that has less than a one-year track record of on-time payments. In fact, the majority of our present investments far exceed that time frame for consistent payout reliability.

3) We have flexible money management by (1) diversification and (2) not having investments with commitments longer than six months in most cases (if we do, then the investment represents a very small percent of our total capital). We may renew our investments, but this gives us the ability to change or enter new opportunities if we choose to do so.

4) Security is a BIG issue with us. One measure we have taken is to have our own programmers and technical team instead of relying on third parties. We have invested in the development of our own databases and scripts instead of relying on purchased software. Where our customers are concerned, this means minimal website or database problems and a quick response if there ever is a problem. If you have ever had the frustrating experience and feeling of uncertainty of having your money in a program whose website was either non-working or down for a period of time, you can greatly appreciate our attention to this detail.

5) A further Security measure, besides having our own personnel with a high level of expertise in Information Technology to keep our website working and safe, is owning our own servers.

6) We offer investments with different commitment lengths to suit the investor's financial needs and goals. You will find a selection to provide for both current income cash flow or for savings to build up your capital. Whichever investment you choose, you always have the protection of our cash reserve fund until you are risk-free and working only on profits.
7) We listen to feedback from our investors. We appreciate all comments, good or bad, as to how we are doing or how we can do things to better serve our customers.

Cool We truly appreciate our investors. One way we show that is to offer excellent Customer Support. We will respond quickly to answer questions or help our investors in any way we can.

9) SUMMARY: WHY INVEST WITH US? FIRST OF ALL, BECAUSE WE WILL SUCCEED! SECOND, UNLIKE OTHER PROGRAMS, WE HAVE PUT THE SAFETY AND SECURITY OF YOUR MONEY AS OUR FIRST CONCERN. That is why our highest priority is to get your risk capital back or fully covered by our cash reserves as quickly as possible. This voluntary cash reserve savings account to offset your risk, kept totally separate and uncommitted with our regular working funds, means we are financially strong. Independent audits mean we are willing to share our private financial data to prove our financial strength so that we can never be shut down by being accused of being a ponzi or of being insolvent. Why will we succeed where others have failed? Well, let's face it. Some simply did not do their homework. Some did not give the same attention to computer security and other details we have. Some were shortsighted and wanted to steal money and run. But, concerning the latter point, we do not want to live our lives in hiding and fear. Instead, we want long-term, honest achievement and respect. Our bottom-line goals are the same as yours. We want more out of life and the freedom to enjoy it. We know you want prosperity and security for yourselves and your families, and so do we. The investment opportunities we extend to you is a two-way opportunity. By forming a business and sharing it with you, we can achieve our own goals faster. If you do not make money, neither do we. At any one time, we will likely have more of our own money in any investment than any other single individual has in our program. We recognize your participation as a partner with us sharing in mutual goals. Working together, we believe with all our hearts we will achieve the financial success of your dreams and ours.
Why invest with us? Because, first, from day one, you have hard-dollar evidence of our commitment; and we have shared with you in the foregoing points the ways we have covered details to help us succeed where others have failed. We know that only time will give you full confidence. But we think when you look at your steady stream of profits at the end of one month, six months, a year--whatever length of time you choose to test us--you will one day be convinced we are the one program that finally delivered everything we promised.


Why do you feel the need to have a referral incentive program (If You Offer One ) ?

We have a very strict policy regarding referrals, we only offer referral to very specific people and it is not open to everyone to just promote, in order for someone to be a referral he/she must contact support and explain their reasons for a referral program.

How do you generate the returns for your investors?

At the moment we have 2 ways to generate returns,
1) Gold exchangers
2) Our own hired Traders.

We do invest our own funds in order to look for real ways to generate income, since the start of PIU we have been testing a group of traders which now after several strict checks they are now working for PIU in order to generate the income we pay to our investors.

Do you trade yourself or do you employ traders?

We have employed 2 traders.

What type of experience do you and or your traders have?

They are well experienced traders, with a nice track record and an amazing discipline.

Can you show any proof of real work to public (Forex Statements, Trading Records)?

We unfortunately dont do that, because of many security reasons and of course a very strict non-disclosure agreement that was signed up. But one of the reason we offer a cash insurance and the opportunity to show our investors thru independent auditing that we hold the reserve balances is to make up for that information we cant offer.

If you're involved in several business/financial activities, how is your portfolio structured?

We do change our structures to adapt to the ever changing economic situations but at the moment our portfolios are about 25% in gold exchangers and 75% in our traders. This percentage figures are of course after taking out the respective cash to cover reserve balances.

Do you piggyback off of other online programs?



What steps have been taken to secure members funds?

We have developed a cash insurance system, in order to protect the principals of our investors. There are different risk levels, and different time frames which secure your funds faster or slower depending on the investment line.
More information here:

Although we have always provided great support we wanted to take a step further to make our members feel safer by offering this very unique and honest method of protection.

Have you ever had late payments?


What do you think is going to preserve the longevity of your program?

1) Money Management
2) Risk Management
3) Good decisions
4) Our continual look for real investment opportunities.

Have you established a reserve fund?


Do you allow members to invest as many times as you want in a day?

Yes there is no limit on how much an investor would like to invest, whether daily or not. We do have a minimum of 100usd$.

How many active member/investors do you have?

Online active members more than 100.


Are you planning to close your program for new investors at any time?

No at the moment, we do have secured our way to be able to handle a lot of volume of money so it is unlikely that we would close participation to new investors.

What are your plans for the future? How long will you stay online with current "Normal" plan?

We believe that our business and the economics are always in constant change and we as a group like to evolve with the changes to offer much better opportunities or to manage a way to offer more to our investors, because of that it is always uncertain what will be our plans for the future, but we can assure that all that is done will be done towards safety and benefits to our investors. One real future plan is to open a physical office for our investors.

Can members cancel their investment and get their principle back and Do you have any administrative
fees to do this?

There are no administrative fees to request a withdrawal but there are maturity times on which interest and principal are locked depending on the investment line chosen. please refer to our website for more information:


Is your company registered and incorporated? If so Where? is now part of Business Finance Group S.A, a company registered in Costa Rica which will be responsible of accounting and managing funds.

If you are registered or incorporated, Are your incorporation documents Available?

Yes, they are available in the Login area of our website, any investor that registers will be able to read our incorporation documents.

Do you have a Physical Office and is it available for a site visit?

Not at the moment, but it is in our future plans.

Do you use free or paid web hosting?

We own our own servers, so that is much better as paid web hosting.


What support options do you offer to your members?

Mainly Email Support, Online support is also provided but at the moment is unavailable.

What protection against DDoS attacks do you have?

Although protection against DDoS attacks is really hard , we do have the latest firewalls to detect DDoS patterns to protect our online servers, we also have a backup forum in which in case of any attacks or problems with our main website we will be able to post any news or be reachable by our investors.

Do you have an emergency web site should you server crash? i.e. A redirect or duplicate web site with all of the information as the main web site contains?

We do have our databases mirrored somewhere, but not the website, for website backup we have a public forum here :

Do you update your memberbase as to what is going on with your program regularly?

YES, communication with our investors is the most important thing for us. We do also offer RSS texts for those who always had problems receiving emails.

Will you have a public forum that non members can visit and see what is going on?

Yes here:

Private Investor's Union
Private Investor's Union
Private Investor's Union
Private Investor's Union
Private Investor's Union
Private Investor's Union
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