PhoenixSurf : Refund ?

PhoenixSurf : Refund ?Dear Customer:

As you may or may not be aware, NME (New Millenium Entrepreneurs) the parent company of the Phoenix Surf Program ceased business on August 18, 2006.

Prior to the closing of business NME secured legal counsel to pursue the recovery of money that was either owed to NME or in the hands of out sourced companies that NME is entitled to recover. I have been appointed the position as the NME/Phoenix Surf Administrator to oversee the recovery of those funds.

The goal of the Administrator is to assist the Attorneys in securing, managing and preserving the assets of NME and in distributing these assets to the account holders and other creditors in a fair and equitable manner. The procedure and the recovery plan have been submitted to the SEC and Attorneys. The final adjustments to the percentages will be determined once actual funds are recovered.

The NME/Phoenix corporate records indicate that you have purchase upgrades in the Phoenix Surf Program. To verify these records, and to confirm the amount deposited or otherwise owed, if any, we will be reviewing each account individually. It is very important that we complete this process as funds can only be distributed to those which have been verified by the Administrator and approved under the set guidelines.

As soon as we are able to recover any funds, you may be contacted by an appointed reviewer to confirm specifics as to your actual deposits and withdrawals. Please review your bank records, Virtual Money Debit Cards accounts, egold and/or any other processing sources you used to transfer funds to Phoenix Surf for the purchase of advertising upgrades. You may be required to email or fax your records to the Administrator for verification.

NOTE: The Administrator believes that NME/Phoenix currently will not be able to reimburse all account holders and creditors in full. Accordingly, the Administrator believes that the only fair distribution is to pool all of NME’s assets in order to effectuate a pro rata distribution of the assets for Allowed claims which will ensure that you receive the most value for your claim.

The Administrator believes that claims will be paid a pro rata amount based on the Final Allowed amount of the claim and the value of the NME assets as a whole. Your proportionate interest will be determined based upon the percentage of your claim in relation to all recovered assets. The figure will be calculated by dividing the amount of each individual claim by the cumulative amount of all recovered NME’s remaining assets.

It is very important that my office continue to have a way to contact you throughout this process. If you move, or your contact information changes for any reason, please email your updated contact information . Include your name address, Phoenix Surf member number, NME Debit Card number (last 6 digits), a current phone number and email address. If and when we recovery funds we will only attempt to contact you three (3) times after which your name will be removed from the valid participants.

Your patience during this important phase of the NME Administration is appreciated.

Ken Stahl
Administrator of NME/Phoenix Surf, LLC.
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